By jove we did it!

IMG_0677I can’t quite believe it wasn’t all a weird dream, but when I pinch myself, I am definitely awake and so I know that WE DID IT.

After all those months of pedalling up and down the Dutch coast, fundraising events, bucket-rattling, spinning classes, raffle tickets, physio, Facebook posts, Strava updates, Tweets and Blog posts – Alli and I, in the guise of Wheels & Heels, have done what we promised and cycled 309 miles or 497.287 kilometres from London to Paris to raise a stonking amount of money for Anthony Nolan!

IMG_0560On a sunny Wednesday morning at the end of July, whilst you were probably still in your PJs, we set off from Blackheath Common and, whilst mindlessly following a series of orange triangles laid by the Discover Adventure Crew, we pedalled our way through Kent and Northern France via Arras and Compiegne, and eventually around the Arc de Triomph (my favourite bit) to the foot of the Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris.

IMG_0566It took us four days, covering approximately 80 miles per day, and was hard going in places – mostly Kentish ones – but WE DID IT and are both really proud to say that with an overwhelming amount of support from friends and family both online and offline, we have raised nearly £15,000 for Anthony Nolan and want to say a massive THANK YOU to those people who supported us – with words of encouragement; tips on training, chafeage and nutrition; as training buddies and of course, with donations.

IMG_0786_2It’s been quite a 50th year – big birthdays, big cycles, big holidays, big exam results, big decisions, big wedding anniversaries, big changes ahead … and it all started with one too many glasses from a big bottle of champagne!

If you’d still like to put some money in our bucket, please click here: Wheels & Heels Appeal for Anthony Nolan

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